Also there is heaps of challenges and inspirational ideas happening over at Scrapability, so go check it out.There is a a new comp.starting this month called scrapabliity soup and there is a 52 week challenge starting as well,as well as the normal monthly sketch!
Thankyou for all your kind wishes regarding my wrist and Maya'sbirthday.My wrist is on the mend....ultrasound tomorrow and Maya'sparty went really well. Will post somepicsin a day or so.
Thanks for popping by, Eb xx
Glad your wrist is on the mend, I love scrapability and thank you for showing us Leanne's beautiful work, I am a long time fan of hers....& yours too.
Hey Ebony...thanks your in the draw...and i would like to just say a big congrats to you for getting masters this year... looking forward in sharing the mag with you...lol
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