Saturday, December 14, 2013

The best things in life are free

Hi again! I'm back to share another layout using this month's 'Cupcake kit".
I took this photo of my children one spring day playing in a handmade, thrown together cubby at the front of our house! They spent hours out there together, listening to music, chatting and laughing! It really did remind me that it is the Simple things in life that are often the most cherished moments but we sometimes forget to just scrap these times. So this layout is about doing just that.....

 I began this layout with machine stitching . I sewed a circle and lots of random lines beside it but it is hard to see now as I ended up covering most of them up !!!
I then used some watercolour paints from a previous kit and some water to create a watermark effect on my cardstock which I covered with gesso first. The Gesso stops the paper warping as much I have discovered and the paint sits much better on it rather than soaking straight into the paper.
This layout would be great for using your off cuts of papers or your little scraps as I just used different squares/rectangles of the different patterned papers in the kit. No real pattern or theme in mind!

Once my background was done I added in some white patterned tissue paper form my stash ( it is a Christy Tomlinson Pink Paislee one).
I then added my squares and rectangles of patterned papers and also some sticker elements from the "Pebbles Inc" sticker sheet. I rubbed a light coat of gesso over these as well just to give it a worn look. 
Once again I have used the splatter stamp with the grey  and aqua chalk inks to add some stamping to my page, as well as the "glitz Design" roller stamp from a previous kit.
The frame was painted with watercoloured paint to match the colours in my layout and placed over my photo. 
I have used some sticker words from my own supplies and the "Heidi swapp" buzz word is too from my own supplies. 
Add in some doodling. some washi tape and some wooden veneer stars and you have another layout!
 Thanks for popping by. Hope you are enjoying your kit and looking forward to the next one!!!
Eb xx

1 comment:

  1. Love it Eb and great way to use up the scraps.
    Nick is always reminding me on the holidays to get the kids to make a cubby.....


Thanks for your love.....