Friday, September 16, 2011

The same photos.....

 yep....some of these pics I have scrapped before but I wanted to scrap the again...probably because I have been really slack at taking photos lately and am in desperate need of some new ones!!! So here are two more layouts for some challenge blogs.

                This is for "show us your stuff". The challenge is to use multiple photos and stripes.
                       Yes there is stripes..... I just kinda got carried away and added lots of other things too. !!!          
                       My handmade embellie is a "charms creations lollipop"
Have used lots of new papers by Bella! which I picked up at spotlight...awesome range!Also used my new stamps by 7 Gypsies, some more circles (surprised?), some crate chippies and some brads...

This layout is using the latest sketch at "STUCK!"....
I took these photos of Maya while she was playing with her dolls and teddies. She was whispering into her dolls cute!

Trying to use up some old products like the Echo Park playground papers, some Jilliebean soup journal tags, and more circles!!
Thanks for stopping by,Eb xx


  1. Gorgeous Eb and there is nothing wrong with using the same pics. I have started to go way back and use some from years ago that I know I scrapped but those pages would be soooo bad now.

  2. WOW eb so love both of these layouts the doll whispers is so so cute!!!! lol..... what a great photo shot!!
    Both have great colours and great use of embellies!!!
    Take care and have a fab weekend

  3. wow talk about variety.. your first one rocks! it is funky and masculine, and your second one is delightful and way cute!! how fabulous these two layouts are!!

  4. Both have a completely different feel about them....and stunning in their own unique ways. Love your work as always Eb - and miss you on the DT at SUYS! So good to see you playing this month.

  5. I just have to say... that photo of Maya is so beautiful Eb....I have a little fairy who is often overheard talking to her dolls or teddies. You layouts are always...from gorgeous, bright and girly to your awesome boys page!

    Thanks for leaving some love over at my blog too...your comments were so right! It's been amazing meeting and getting to know so many awesome women..all through cut and

    Hope you and your cherubs and well and looking forward to an awesome weekend xx

  6. Go and take some new photos! Hahaha love those pages though - they are pretty awesome!

  7. how adorable is that pic of Maya..
    love the strips-its sometimes good to scrap your photos twice..the difference between the two can be so great

  8. ebony I am in awe of your style ... always so perfect and creative .. your children are divine ... hugz x

  9. Hi Eb I use the same pic over and over if I love it lol
    thanks for your fab lo for our challenge at SUYSxxx

  10. Hi Ebony....LOVE all your LO's - so inspiring!! The one of Maya at her dance concert is so cute. I love all the layering you do and all the little bits and pieces. Keep up with the inspiration!! Have a wonderful week. x

  11. so clever chick ;) ahem when am i going to see some circles? one needs circles you know LOL
    Love love both of your pages xx

  12. LOVE the layouts and all the embellishments ... if you are ever in need of photos I have a few thousand that need scrapping(:

  13. Thanks so much Ebony for taking the time to visit my blog (which I haven't even set up properly!!). Was such a nice surprise! Enjoy the rest of your week. x

  14. Gorgeous as always! I totally dig goin overboard - but i can still see the stripes!
    Not sure about retreat? Might be out for a visit to scrap -if they will let me?

  15. Super layouts! I so love the doll one - what a cutie! :D :D :D

  16. Hi Eb, did you know your page for the Stuck?! Sketches entry is a winner? Well done, could you please contact me helen @ so I can give you the details of the voucher you have won.


Thanks for your love.....