Monday, October 11, 2010

Time for goodbyes.....

Well sadly I have stepped down from my design team position at Scrapability. With the new direction that the site was taking I thought it was the right time for me to resign. A HUGE thanks to Bek for the wonderful opportuniy she gave me and for believing in my abilities such a long time ago. I will still love joining in the sketches each month but felt the time was right.
But onto some scrappy stuff, cos thats why you are here right??
I have been a little quiet on the scrappy front lately but now need to get my butt back into gear to meet some deadlines!!
Here is my entry for Kraft it up this month....I really enjoyed this sketch!
I took these pics when will lost his first tooth not solong ago. He has since lost the other bottom one.
And these two were just becasuse I felt like it layouts!! LOL!

I have also finished my entry for Scrap the Girls this month so will share that soon too. A big thanks to Tanyah Payne for her generous prize on scrap the girls last month.........Yah!!!
Thanks for popping by. Off to start getting organised for the Imagination factory retreat. cant wait!!!
Eb xx


  1. wow, stunning layouts, love them all eb..and thanks for the gorgeous inspiration i always find from you

  2. Your LO's are awesome. Love your take on the KIU sketch for this month. Thanks so much for joining in.

  3. Love your work Ebony :) all those pages are stunning.
    thanks for playing along at KIU x

  4. eb...great working with you over at Scrapability's and lovin' all your layouts

  5. wow Eb.. yet another stunning page or 3 I should say. your work is so inspiring ... beautiful x
    love the colour combo.

  6. i always LOVE how bright and fun your layouts are.. i think i need to steal some brightness.. thanks..

    lots of sugar.LEanne

  7. gorgeous LO's Eb, love the one of
    Will and his lost teeth....very cute!!

  8. Fabulous pages as always. Sorry to see you go from Scapability but totally understand why.

  9. Absolutely fabulous LO's Ebony... Just love your work!! :)

  10. Gorgeous as always Eb!
    I am jealous - need to find the uRGE and TIME to scrap!

  11. Just brilliant ! And how good is that Crate School Spirit it ! Great work as always !!!

  12. WOW!! I love your take on the KIU sketch!! So much inspiration!
    Thanks for joining in this month :) xo

  13. Hey Eb

    No it is definitely me who should be thanking you for all your hard work and effort that you put into scrapability to make it a success.
    We have had some great times on that site and not only have you been a great dt contributor, but also kind and generous friend. I will miss you, but will keep stalking on here to see what youre up too - take care hun
    Bec xxx


Thanks for your love.....