Saturday, May 22, 2010

This is how I spent Friday night....

On Friday Night, Kim Archer held an online live class. It was great fun chatting to everyone and joining in the challenges.Here is my take on Kim's sample class.
And we were also challenged to create a little 6x6 layout with a photo of ourselves....

And I also did Sheree's challenge to create a layout with the following criteria
A tag
The color yellow
at least two alphabets
A handmade flower
So there you have it!! I was a busy girl and now have three more awesome creations inspired by Kim and her support team.Thanks for popping by. Ebxx                                                                                             


  1. stunning stuff eb, lovin them all

  2. Looks like you had a good night eb!!!

  3. Totally love the LO's and the new photo. Gilly ox

  4. They all love fabo - u must have had a ball creating. Yahhh


Thanks for your love.....